The author of more than 40 publications, including a textbook, 5 collective monographs.
Basics of practical philosophy. Textbook; [edited by A.M. Loy ] / Vitaly Nechyporenko in co-authorship - K.:"Kyiv University", 2011; 2016 (2nd ed.)
Social responsibility as the main value of institutionalizing modern society / Vitaly Nechyporenko in co-authorship. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2015.
Nechyporenko V. Consultative democracy for Ukraine / Culture of dialogue. National Round Table: Collection of Articles. Compiler: O. S. Donii - Kh.: Folio, 2021. - c.21-34.
Vitaly Nechyporenko. The ideology of the "Russian world" as a strategy of authoritarian consolidation for society / Philosophical dialogues - Issue 21-22. - 2021 - pp. 112-116.
Nechyporenko V., Kornievskyy O. Deliberative component of stable sustaining of Ukraine's political system / Strategic priorities. 2018. Issue 47. N. 2. - pp. 5-11.
Nechiporenko V.O. Modernization of the institutional basis of civil society in Ukraine / Socio-philosophical problems of modernization of Ukrainian society from the perspective of European values. Under the editorship A. Yermolenko / Institute of Philosophy named after H. Skovoroda. - K.: Scientific opinion, 2021.
Nechiporenko V.O. Deliberative democracy and the search for unifying consensuses in modern Ukraine / Discursive practices of deliberative democracy in Ukrainian society. Under the editorship A. Yermolenko / Institute of Philosophy named after H. Skovoroda. - K.: Scientific opinion, 2023.