Author of more than 60 scientific works, co-author of monographs "Social Laws and Their Action" (1995), "Social Philosophy: Short Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1997), "Civilization and History" (1999), "Civilization: Structure and Dynamics" (2003) , "Man's existence in society: relationships, communication, spirituality" (2012), "Value-normative justification of social theories" (2013),
Nadolny M.I. Social activity; Purpose and means ;Needs //Philosophy of politics: Short encyclopedia. Dictionary. - K.: Znanya Ukrainy 2002. - P.25-26; 641-642.
Nadolny M.I. Human interests; Purpose and means; Needs// Philosophical encyclical. Dictionary. - K.: "Abris", 2002. - P.246-247; 371; 505.Nadolny M.I. Civilization and human needs // Civilization: structure and dynamics. - K.: Publisher KUPRIYANOVA O.O. , 2003. - P. 225-248.
Nadolny M.I. Philosophy: Education. manual - 6th edition. - K.: Vikar, 2006. - 457 p. (co-author). Nadolny M. Typological modeling in social cognition // Philosophical dialogues '2010, issue 4.– K., 2010.– P.213-218.
Nadolny M.I. Value-normative justification of social theories. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2013 (co-author).
Nadolny M.I. Socio-philosophical problems of modernization of Ukrainian society from the perspective of European values. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2021 (co-author).
Nadolny M.I. Discursive practices of deliberative democracy in Ukrainian society. - K.: Naukova dumka, 2023 (co-author).