• Balinchenko Svitlana P.
    Senior Researcher,
    Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (PhD)
Svitlana Balinchenko, born in Makiivka city of Donetsk oblast, Ukraine; Doctor of Philosophy (09.00.03 − Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History); Associate Professor; Senior Researcher of the Department of History of Foreign Philosophy,H.S. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; author of more than 40 scientific papers. Since 2005, has worked as a lecturer inPhilosophy of Language, Discourse Analysis, Semiotics, Social Philosophy, Communicative Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Politics, Hermeneutics; conducted undergraduate tutorials/supervisions and research seminars in philosophy of language, semiotics, social philosophy, theory of communication, identity and otherness studies, as well as general research seminars on contemporary philosophical literary sources; has been a coordinator of all-Ukrainian and international start-ups aimed at popularization of philosophy (Philosophical Laboratory project; philosophical almanac Metanoia).

Academic interests:Communication and Discourse Studies, Philosophy of Language, Social Philosophy (Migration Studies), right- and community-based approaches to the problem of otherness (We-Other-Alien groups); philosophical thought experiments and modeling theories.
Educational Background
2011, 2016: Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Science, Kyiv
(Retraining Diploma of Higher School of Philosophy)
2005: Defense of the PhD thesis “The Communicative Grounds for Integration Processes in Modern Societies”,Donetsk State University
2001–2004: Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, post-graduate studies
1995–2000: Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
(Specialist Degree in English Language, Foreign Literature, Russian Language and Literature, 2000)
International training, MOOC
Wesleyan University electronically rated course The Modern and the Postmodern; The State University of New Jersey (Rutgers) electronically rated course Revolutionary Ideas: Utility, Justice, Equality, Freedom;The University of Edinburgh electronically rated course PhilosophyandtheSciences: IntroductiontothePhilosophyofCognitiveSciences;The University of Yale course Moral Foundations of Politics; The University of Pennsylvania course Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors; The University of Copenhagen certificate-granted course Søren Kierkegaard - Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity; The University of Edinburgh certificate-granted course Introduction to Philosophy (Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics); The University of Tokyo certificate-granted course Conditions of War and Peace.

Adress: 4, Tryokhsviatitelska str., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Tel.: (044) 279-32-82 (reception of the director)
Tel.: (044) 278-06-05

E-mail: instphil@ukr.net